Meet Our New Interface

M. Yekta Güngör

We’ve been working on a new interface and it’s finally here. We think you’ll like it :)

A Better Tool

We like simple things. Our old interface was extremely simple, too simple. It was getting in the way of adding new features because the layout was too restrictive. With the new interface we are taking a different approach and making the interface more inline with different design tools people are familiar with like Photoshop, Illustrator or Figma. A sidebar on each side. One shows your history, one shows your settings. The center part is the “stage” where you can see your current generation.

Stablecog's New Interface

Parallel Generations & Upscales

You can now do parallel generations and upscales, without leaving the generate page. The number of parallel generations you can start depends on your plan:

  • Free: 1 generation at a time.
  • Starter: 2 parallel generations.
  • Pro: 3 parallel generations.
  • Ultimate: 4 parallel generations.

New Landing Page

We didn’t have a landing page before. The app took you straight to the generation interface. This has been confusing some users, as they don’t have a way to get information on what our tool does. Now we have one. Admittedly, it’s not the most information packed landing page out there but it’s a start. We’ll be improving it over time.

Stablecog's Landing Page

Other Changes

You can set the number of images for generations now, yay :) This was a frequently requested one.

We changed our font from the “geeky” mono font we like quite a bit, JetBrains Mono, to a modern sans serif, Avenir Next World. It’s clean and easier to read, and supports more languages, to keep things more consistent in non-Latin languages.

We improved the contrast of the interface significantly. Although we like low contrast interfaces, it was causing problems for some of our users.

What’s Coming Next?

Now that we have an interface that allows us to add new features easily, we’ll be focusing on adding more useful features. Inpainting and outpainting are two features that will play very well with the new interface.

Before we start working on the additions to the new interface, we’ll finalize our public API. A big chunk of the work for it is already done. With it, developers will be able to use Stablecog’s services for their own use case.

Thanks for reading!

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